While exercising his powers, Linus, The Little Magician, has enchanted some of his toys! Can you help him pick up these toys from his bedroom floor and put them away? To set up Linus the Magician, you mix 18 magnetised toy tiles (three of each of six different toys) with 12 non-magnetised toy tiles (two of each type), then spread them out on the table. Also shuffle the 18 search cards (three of each of the six different toys), then give the youngest player the wooden Linus figure, which has a magnet on its underside.
On his or her turn, the player looks at the top search card, then places Linus on one of the toy tiles that matches that picture. Did you find an enchanted toy that fits Linus? Great! Keep the toy tile and the search card, then give Linus to the next player. If, on the other hand, you have found an ordinary toy tile, leave it on the table in the same place, then give Linus to the next player, who must now search for the same object (but hopefully find an enchanted toy this time). When all the enchanted toys have been removed from the table, the player who has found the most toys wins!
Rule, Educational Sheet ... one File AvailableOne File Available
Contents of the box : 1 wooden character "Linus" with magnet, 18 search cards (3 bats, 3 balloons, 3 frogs, 3 cats, 3 dice, 3 magic potions), 18 magnetic toy cards (3 of each), 12 non-magnetic toy cards (2 of each), 1 rule book.