Nations is a game of civilization development, for 1 to 5 players, lasting 40 minutes per player: the players control the destiny of nations from prehistory to the eve of the First World War. Nations will continually compete with each other and will have to balance their immediate needs with their overall growth, while managing threats and opportunities.
Since the beginnings of civilization and through the great ages of history, humanity has participated in the advent and decline of glorious nations, fighting for the survival of their ideas and heritage. These nations ensured that their own were protected and nourished, bringing them stability and prosperity as the population grew. The competition, sometimes warlike, was raging, whether against other nations or against Nature itself. A nation must amaze the rest of the world with its great achievements and build heritage in order to become the greatest nation in the history of humanity!
Rule, Educational Sheet ... 2 Files Available2 Files Available
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Contents of the box : 1 Central Board, 5 Individual Board (both sides), 1 Progress Board, 65 workers, 25 records, 4 books, 1 score book, 296 progress cards, 48 event cards, 240 tokens (food, stone, gold, pv), 1 war token, 1 handle token, 15 architect tokens, 12 used tokens, 4 game helpers, 5 turn order, 24 solo event tiles, 1 dice, 1 game rule.