No one was aware that ancient relics were sleeping in the jungle. But when they were discovered, the news spread like wildfire, attracting all sorts of self-proclaimed archaeologists... In Relic Runners, you play as an intrepid adventurer exploring the jungle to uncover lost treasures hidden in forgotten temples. Armed with a simple machete and your legendary flair, you'll need to set up expeditions to excavate the ruins and unearth the treasures they contain, before your opponents do!
You'll need to be organized and take care of the logistics of your expeditions to collect relics from the temples and jungle ruins. Building relays, carrying enough rations, using toolboxes to get bonuses - these are the actions you'll need to take to win.
Rule, Educational Sheet ... 2 Files Available2 Files Available
Download the rule for Relic Runners or any other documents (scenarios, goodies, pedagogical sheet, erratum, ...). 2 PDF files are available. See all available files
Contents of the box : 5 sets of explorers each including 1 miniature, 1 character sheet, 10 relays and 3 toolboxes, 24 ruin tiles, 20 sets of temple tiles, 20 finely carved relics, small ration boxes, tool tokens, victory tokens, 1 set of rules.