Download the rule for Troyes: The Ladies of Troyes or any other documents (scenarios, goodies, pedagogical sheet, erratum, ...). 4 PDF files are available.
In the year 1200, the foundation is laid for the cathedral of Troyes, but it will not be fi nished until 400 years later, after innumerable incidents. This game invites you to experience four centuries of history by participating in the development of one of the fi nest medieval cities ever to make its mark on Western culture.
1.79 Mo - In Englishpdf
An 1200. La cathédrale de Troyes sort de terre et ne sera achevée que 400 ans plus tard
4.30 Mo - In Frenchpdf
With this expansion, the rules of the base game can be modified in five different ways, and you can mix and match those modifications as you see fit. The ladies of Troyes make an appearance in the form of 3 new Character cards that you can include in your games. A new action allows players to move their guard along the ramparts, in order to access new activities outside the city.
1.64 Mo - In Englishpdf
Avec cette extension, les règles de base peuvent être modifi ées de cinq façons différentes et combinables comme bon vous semble.
2.29 Mo - In French