English - Escape: Zombie City was funded on the Crowdfunding Kickstarter (See the campaign) platform on the Jul 11, 2014, the campaign lasted 21 days. 963 people helped funded the game, whose the amount requested was $20,000.00. Thanks to these 963 people the game could be funded up to $78,669.00, ~393.34%.
English - In Escape: Zombie City, you and your fellow players are survivors of the zombie apocalypse, hiding in a church of a big city. Everything is going great — well, as great as it can be when zombies are all around — but this is all about to change as a big wave of zombies is coming to town, and they want your brainy goodness. Your only option is to gather all the necessary supplies, start up the old VW...
French - Les joueurs endossent le rôle de rares survivants d'une déferlante de zombies, cachés dans l'église d'une grande ville. Mais le moment de répit qu'ils avaient obtenu n'aura été que de courte durée et suite à une nouvelle vague de zombie arrivée en ville, voilà que leur abris se retrouve entouré de ces sympathiques créatures...