Deutsche Hanse or, in Latin, Hansa Teutonica, are alternative names for the Hanseatic League, an alliance between merchant guilds and (later) between the original cities of lower Germany. The cities that joined the league were called the Hanseatic cities. The league emerged in the middle of the 12th century without being explicitly founded and no form of admission applied until the second half of the 14th century, so it is almost impossible to say exactly which cities belonged to the league during this period, but almost 200 cities were involved directly or indirectly. Players try to improve their position as traders in the Hanseatic League by gaining prestige points. This can be done in different ways: Establishing a network of trading posts in new Hanseatic cities can be as promising as improving the skills of merchants.
Players perform various actions during their turns. Merchants can be inserted on the board or moved, even merchants from other players can be moved. If they then occupy an entire trade route between two cities, a new trading post can be established. But players can also develop their trading skills instead in particular cities, improving their abilities during the game. The winner of the game is the player who has gained the most prestige points.
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Contents of the box : 1 double-sided game board, 135 Merchants, 20 Traders, 5 "Additional Counter" Chits, 2 "Counter Exchange" Chits, 2 "Three Additional Actions" Chits, 2 "Four Additional Actions" Chits, 3 "Skill Upgrade" Chits, 2 "Removal of Three Merchants" Chits, 5 Writers' Trays, 1 "Finished Towns" Chit, 1 Pawn for two-player games, 4 Cardboard Soldier Chits, 1 Rule Book.