English - La Vallée des Dragons was funded on the Crowdfunding Kickstarter (See the campaign) platform on the Apr 11, 2014, the campaign lasted 17 days. 252 people helped funded the game, whose the amount requested was $5,000.00. Thanks to these 252 people the game could be funded up to $8,418.00, ~168.36%.
English - Dragon Valley is an engaging game for the whole family for players age 6 and up. The goal of the game is to return the dragon younglings to their valley before the nasty wizard gets back to his tower and catches them playing fireball near his home. To help the baby dragons, two players each take a wand and use their magic to transport them back to the Dragon Valley.
French - Dans une vallée reculée vit une famille de dragons. Seuls quelques magiciens et sorciers connaissent leur existence. Or, le magicien Razandar est excédé par les jeux des jeunes dragons, qui s’amusent à cracher du feu dans la forêt enchantée, ce qui pourrait endommager sa superbe tour ! À vous de faire rentrer les dragons dans leur vallée avant que Razandar ne les trouve. Sortez vos baguettes magiques...