English - Tortuga was funded on the Crowdfunding Kickstarter (See the campaign) platform on the Feb 13, 2014, the campaign lasted 20 days. 572 people helped funded the game, whose the amount requested was $10,000.00. Thanks to these 572 people the game could be funded up to $28,490.00, ~284.90%.
English - In Tortuga, you are a swashbuckling buccaneer trying to safely transport your treasures to the legendary pirate haven of Tortuga before other buccaneers, your fellow players, can capture it from you. Players simultaneously roll their dice and assign them in order to put boats in the water, fire off the cannons, gather more crew, engage the enemy at close quarters, or move their treasure ever closer...
French - Pensez-vous pouvoir mener votre équipage mieux que tous les autres chiens de mer à la table ? Si oui, prenez un coutelas et mettez le cap sur les roulements des mers - un jeu de famille rapide et rythmé à base de dés pour 2-4 boucaniers (âgés de 8 et plus) qui se joue en 30 minutes environ! Yo ho ho!