Today I finally got my new cauldron. That's it, my laboratory is operational! I've been harvesting and drying ingredients for days... I wonder which ones I'm going to mix first! My intuition leads me to mix crow feathers with mandrake root, but as people swear by toad pustules... What the hell, why listen to them? This is my laboratory, this is my research! I do as I please! As soon as I publish my theories, no one will look at me sideways anymore. I'm determined to prove I'm the greatest genius in the history of alchemy. Now it's time to light my fire and get to work. Wealth, fame and knowledge are within my reach, lurking somewhere in the dark depths of this cauldron.
Different paths will lead to victory, but publishing one's Theories is certainly the best way to win... if they prove to be correct! And that's the problem... Players gain knowledge by mixing ingredients and testing the results with an application (on a tablet or smartphone) that scans and recognizes the cards in the deck. They will gradually deduce how to make Potions that they can sell to Adventurers. The Gold Coins won in this way can be used to buy Magic Artefacts, which are very expensive, but very powerful. Players' Reputation will change according to their publications, but may also fall if their Theories prove to be wrong. At the end of the game, the Reputation, the value of the Artifacts and the Grants obtained will be converted into Victory points. The player with the most Victory points will be declared the winner.
Alchemists is a game of strategy, risk-taking and deduction. Will you take the time to experiment and test your theories, or will you hurry to publish to quickly gain reputation? Are you going to pay yourself to confirm the latest toad theory, or keep your money to buy an artifact? Is it really wise to sell a potion to this heavily armed barbarian when you're not quite sure of its effects? Make the right choices and prove to everyone that you are the greatest alchemist in the world.
This game is designed to be played using an application that turns your tablet or smartphone into an Ingredient Card Reader. This application is completely free. Compatible systems: iOS, Android, Windows...
Rule, Educational Sheet ... 2 Files Available2 Files Available
Download the rule for Alchimistes or any other documents (scenarios, goodies, pedagogical sheet, erratum, ...). 2 PDF files are available. See all available files
Contents of the box : 1 reversible game board, 1 Theory board, 1 Large Exhibition board, 4 Laboratory screens, 4 Results triangles, 4 Player boards, 6 Adventurer tiles, 2 Conference tiles, 5 Grant tiles, 8 Alchemy tokens, 104 Potion tokens, 36 Gold coins, 44 Seal tokens (11 per color), 6 Conflict Tokens, 1 First Player Token, 8 Ingredient Tiles, 1 Potion Master Board, 40 Ingredient Cards, 22 Favour Cards, 18 Artifact Cards, 16 Reduction Cards, 8 Flask Markers (2 per colour), 24 Action Cubes (6 per colour), 1 block of Deduction Grids, Token Containers, 1 Rule Book.