In episode 1.03, one of Lord Grantham's visitors is found dead in his bed by Thomas, who has been charged with bringing him breakfast. Mary's suitor, Evelyn Napier, is invited by Cora for the weekend. He will be accompanied by the son of a Turkish diplomat, Mr Kemal Pamuk. In the afternoon, Lord Grantham organizes a hunt for his guests. Mary seems attracted to Mr. Pamuk. During the dinner, she even flirts openly with him, who is eager to be with her. Evelyn Napier, Matthew and Edith don't like it; her parents make big eyes at her.
The next morning, Thomas discovers Kamel Pamuk dead in his bed. Dr. Clarckson quickly concludes that it was a heart attack that occurred at 12:00 a.m. However, Edith suspects that a drama took place that evening after dinner when the family and guests retired to their room. What if the diplomat's son had died somewhere other than in his bed, where he was dragged after being killed? She decides to question the valet attached to the service of the deceased and manages to make him confide that he led her to Mary's room before retiring. What happened next?
Rule, Educational Sheet ... one File AvailableOne File Available
Contents of the box : 1 gameboard, 6 cardboard pieces, 6 miniature stolen objects, 30 cards, Mr Carson's envelope, 1 notebook, 2 dice, 1 rulebook.