Key to the City - London is a game for 2 to 6 players played over four eras. Each player has the task of developing his or her own London district, using tiles representing well-known locations. On his turn, a player chooses one of five possible actions. He can use his wooden workers ("keyples") to make bids, to generate resources, or to improve one of the 57 different and beautifully illustrated location tiles. The player also has the option of passing, or ceasing play during this era by sending his barge down the Thames. The player with the most victory points after four eras wins the game.
Rule, Educational Sheet ... 2 Files Available2 Files Available
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Contents of the box : 57 location tiles, 5 river tiles, 6 house tiles, 6 era 1 tiles, 6 era 2 tiles, 12 routemaster tiles, 22 construction tiles, 8 3D building markers, 6 wooden barges, 144 connectors, 72 skill tiles, 120 Keyples, 1 cloth bag, 6 screens, 1 rule booklet