After crossing a magic table, Jonas finds himself immersed in a fantastic universe. Help him cross the Great Mysterious Forest and face the Queen of Draconia, one of the most dangerous creatures in this forest.
The game takes place in 3 phases:
Phase 1: One by one, flip the cards and observe the Course to memorize the different Equipment you need for your adventure.
Phase 2: Launch the 4 dice. The result of the dice tells you what equipment you are offered for shipping. Choose 2 and put them on the backpack at the designated locations.
Phase 3: Go explore the Mysterious Forest. Reveal one by one the maps of the course, and drop the equipment indicated there. When all the elements of a route map are completed, you can move on to the next one.
Make your memory work, and all together remember what equipment Jonah needs to cross the forest and face the wicked Queen Draconia.
Rule, Educational Sheet ... 2 Files Available2 Files Available
#Fantastic #Cooperative #Dice #MemoryContents of the box : 24 Course cards, 4 dice, 55 Equipment tokens, 2 Hiker tokens, 1 Backpack board, 1 Jonas figurine, 1 rule book.