The Yamazaru are mountainous, spiritual and determined, as well as warm. Although many of them observe an ascetic life, a quality necessary to survive in the hostile mountains in which they live, most of them have cultivated the love of the game. They are happy to play tricks on their neighbors. or travelers who brave the mountains to visit and trade. They also remained curious about everything.
The Yamazaru clan members are capable of physical prowess unmatched by other clans. Their training daily confronts them to the harshest trials. Staying motionless for several days, like statues, does not scare them. Like swimming without breathing, or traveling without taking rest. They are even forbidden to bleed by bumping on trees, or to bend under the weight of heavy stones. The Yamazaru demonstrate great endurance to strengthen their bodies, and free their minds, to better perceive the wisdom of the elements.
Ninja All-Stars funded on the Kickstarter platform
Ninja All-Stars was funded on the Crowdfunding Kickstarter (See the campaign) platform on the Apr 21, 2015, the campaign lasted 28 days. 3,282 people helped funded the game, whose the amount requested was $70,000.00. Thanks to these 3,282 people the game could be funded up to $531,829.01, ~759.76%.
Good to know!
Rule, Educational Sheet ... 4 Files Available4 Files Available
Contents of the box : 1 Chunin Yamazaru, 4 Kaiken Yamazaru, 2 Yajiri Yamazaru, 2 Oni Yamazaru, 2 Kunoichi Yamazaru, 2 Madoushi Yamazaru, 1 Son Goku, 1 Yamazaru Clan Reference Card, 1 Son Goku Reference Card.