Land on the island of SOL but choose your side carefully: Adventurers or Conquistadors? Only one of the two teams will find the Idol of the Sun God, but more importantly, will manage to bring it back safely to their ship. In this adventure game based on an action point system, players use their character's characteristics and special abilities to explore the island, search for clues to the treasure's location, and fight against characters from the opposing camp. SOL works very well with 2 or more players, but it has the particularity of being able to gather up to 8 players for fun, rhythmic, and light adventures, all in less than an hour.
In SOL, two teams of 3 or 4 characters each compete to take over the Idol of the Sun God: Adventurers vs. Conquistadors. At the beginning of the game, players are freely divided between the two camps and choose, among the 7 unique characters that make up their team, which one they will play for this game. Move your cursor over the image to stop the scrolling. The characters have Movement, Combat and Search characteristics. Each one also has a special ability that makes it unique. The many combinations and oppositions possible with these 14 characters guarantee players a varied experience from one game to the next. Do you prefer a fighter who is quick to challenge the enemy on the front lines? An explorer with an agile foot? Or a character more adept at scouring the island away from the confrontations and unraveling the mysteries of the treasure's location?
During the game, each time you find a clue token during a search, your team can influence the position of the Sun God Idol by playing a clue card. The cards played, some face down, others face up, indicate the characteristics of the temple that hides the coveted Idol. When the 7th card is played, all of them are revealed, and the symbol majorities designate the temple where the treasure appears. You'll have to bluff to keep your intentions secret, but also be cunning enough to ensure that the treasure appears in a location that is advantageous to your team. The appearance of the treasure starts the final chase! The side that first manages to escape the island by boat with the Idol wins the game. Stand together and make the right decisions to bring victory to your team! SOL is an adventure game for 2 to 8 players, from 10 years old, for 45 minutes games.
Rule, Educational Sheet ... 2 Files Available2 Files Available
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Contents of the box : 1 Island board, 11 Island elements, 8 Temple tokens, 37 Digging tokens, 14 Character cards, 2 Special dice (Adventurer and Conquistador), 2 Ship tokens (Adventurer and Conquistador), 8 double-sided Flag tokens, 14 double-sided Character tokens, 1 Treasure map board, 1 large Medallion of the Sun token, 1 small Idol of the Sun God token, 18 Clue cards, 8 Special tokens, 16 Replacement Digging tokens, 1 Rules booklet.