What is expected of a true gentleman: to manage his fortune wisely, to participate in the life of the community and to express himself politely at official receptions. In short, a deadly annoyance! It would seem that the lives of the poor are much more entertaining! Enter a secret brotherhood where young Victorian gentlemen play at destroying their social status in a competition over three events: trying to lose an election, getting rid of all their possessions and offending as many important people as possible. You can play two or three competitions, knowing that interactions will take place between them.
The game is divided into two or three simultaneous competitions, each with its own counting system. In each competition, you try to lose as many points as possible. The game is played in a maximum of five rounds and ends as soon as one of the players reaches a score of zero in one of the competitions.
Be careful, however, this is not a race to determine which one will reach zero fastest. All the salt of the game lies in the most effective management of the different objectives, because your final score will be determined by the highest score you have obtained in one of the competitions. The player with the lowest final score wins the game.
Rule, Educational Sheet ... 2 Files Available2 Files Available
Download the rule for The Prodigals Club or any other documents (scenarios, goodies, pedagogical sheet, erratum, ...). 2 PDF files are available. See all available files
Contents of the box : 2 central double-sided trays, 30 courier counters, 5 Order of Play tokens, 1 sleeve marker, 1 Renaissance Man tile, 6 Bonus Action tiles, 5 individual trays, 26 central cards, 1 rule booklet.