Vienna, early 20th century. Artists, dignitaries and tourists from all over the world settle on the most famous terraces of the imperial capital, in search of a good room for the night... but the competition is fierce! Will you be able to provide impeccable service and transform your coffee into a luxury hotel? Recruit staff, fill your customers' orders, and win the emperor's favors. Only then will your establishment become the Grand Austria Hotel.
Rule, Educational Sheet ... 2 Files Available2 Files Available
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Contents of the box : 2 game boards, 4 Hotel boards (double-sided), 9 Tour de Jeu tiles, 120 cards (56 Client cards, 48 Personal cards, 12 Political cards, 4 Abstract cards), 1 bin, 84 Room tiles divided between 3 colours, 120 Order cubes (30 wooden cubes of each of the 4 colours), 12 Emperor tiles, 14 dice, 24 chips, 1 revolution counter, 1 game rule.