Good and Malt places you at the head of a monastery where you brew beer. The proposed mechanics are original and the theme intoxicating. We must succeed in maintaining a perfect balance between the improvement of his garden, to obtain a better quality of his raw materials, and the right moment to harvest, to fill his barrels and to obtain income.
Rule, Educational Sheet ... 2 Files Available2 Files Available
Download the rule for Le Bien & Le Malt or any other documents (scenarios, goodies, pedagogical sheet, erratum, ...). 2 PDF files are available. See all available files
Contents of the box : 1 common board, 100 resource tiles, 24 monk tiles, 12 large barrels, 12 small barrels, 49 building tiles, 4 personal boards, 4 player figures, 4 brewmasters, 20 privilege cards, 20 resource markers, 36 activation discs, 27 ducat coins, 24 ducat cards, 1 game rule.