Rule, Educational Sheet ... 3 Files Available3 Files Available

Download the rule for Les Contrées de l'Horreur: Les Contrées du Rêve or any other documents (scenarios, goodies, pedagogical sheet, erratum, ...). 3 PDF files are available.

Eldritch Horror Rulebook


Harrigan ran his bandaged hand across the map on the hotel room’s wall. Dozens of documents and scraps of paper from all over the world were pinned to their corresponding locations, interconnected by a complex web of colored string. He followed a red string from the transcribed testimony of a lunatic in Arkham to a pencil rubbing of some pictographs he found in the Amazon. From there, he traced a...

3.92 Mo - In English

Les Contrées de l'Horreur Règle


Harrigan parcourut de sa main bandée la carte accrochée au mur de la chambre d'hôtel. Des dizaines de documents et autres morceaux de papiers du monde entier étaient épinglés sur leur point d'origine, reliés entre eux par une toile complexe de Jils de couleurs. Il suivit un Jil rouge depuis la transcription du témoignage d'un aliéné de l'asile d'Arkham à un ftottage de pictogrammes qu'il avait découvert...

2.98 Mo - In French

Eldritch Horror: The Dreamlands Rulebook


Stepping off the lightly rocking ship, Luke Robinson took a deep breath of the salt-filled air, relishing in the gentle breeze rolling off the Cerenarian Sea over the port city of Celephaïs. The shining city sprawled eastward, climbing the gingko-covered slopes of Mount Aran. The mountain, whose snow-capped peak loomed silently in the distance, conferred upon Luke a sense of safety, though he knew...

1.95 Mo - In English