It has now been two months since your good friend, Dr. Crawford Tillinghast, became angry with you, called you a fool and threw you out of his home and laboratory in a fanatical rage. You were all the more surprised by his outburst because he was not a man to get angry easily, especially not because of your anxious questions about the strange machine he had imagined in the course of his metaphysical research. The doctor took your questions as criticism, which made his temper explode. You haven't spoken to him since that day. But recently Gregory, the faithful servant of Tillinghast, contacted you about his employer. It seems that the doctor has gone into exile in the laboratory in his attic, forsaking food and all human contact. Gregory begged you to make one last attempt to restore your old friend to his senses. Despite the bitter memory of your last meeting with Tillinghast, you agreed to pay him one last visit.
After weeks of absence, you return to the old secluded house near Benevolent Street. Gregory greets you at the door, a chandelier in his hand, and relief can be seen on his weary face. "Thank you for coming. The doctor hasn't come down from his lab for days and I'm worried about him. All the other servants have left, most of them without even saying goodbye. Sometimes I can hear him screaming in the attic, although I haven't been too far from the front door lately. Let me accompany you to the laboratory, and let's hope Crawford listens to you this time. "You follow the flickering candle silently through the dark, empty house, listening to the distant hum of the Tillinghast machine echoing through the floors, walls and ceilings. As you approach the attic staircase, you feel a shiver that shakes the air, like a tingling, and see a dark silhouette on the edge of the candlelight. Gregory stops abruptly and raises the candle above his head to give you a better vision .
Good to know!
We bring to your attention that this game is an extension and therefore cannot be played alone. Renew your games by enriching your basic game with this extension.
Rule, Educational Sheet ... 2 Files Available2 Files Available
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Contents of the box : 27 Exploration cards, 4 Lock cards, 4 Obstacle cards, 7 Gate cards, 5 Event cards, 1 Objective card, 3 Guardian Action cards.