In a delicate balance between resource management and zone control, players must plan their construction strategies while carefully managing their supply routes to refine the right resources at the right time. Stay one step ahead of the competition and you could bring the West into the golden age.
Gold West's goal is to accumulate the most victory points through intelligent management of your growing mining empire. There are five resources in the game: Copper, Silver and Gold metals are used to acquire victory points in different ways, while Wood and Stone are building materials used to build camps and settlements on the board to collect more resources.
Each hex contains two or three resources. Gold generally earns the most points for players, with silver and copper earning a little less. In addition, each type of field earns points for the player with the most influence at the end of the game.
By winning new metals and materials, players place them in their "supply track", a mancala type track in which you will manage your resources. You get points as you place them at the back of the track, because it creates a more refined product, but it will take you longer to bring these resources to the front of the supply track where they can be used. Boomtown's shipping, investments and offices often reward players who complete them earlier, so it's a careful balance between risk and reward.
Contents of the box : 1 board, 56 Mines tokens, 4 player boards, 4 Minor tokens, 48 camps, 48 Influence tokens, 12 stagecoaches, 12 Transport Bonus tiles, 4 Turn Order tokens.