Rule, Educational Sheet ... 2 Files Available2 Files Available

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Kahuna Rulebook


Two Kahuna — ancient sorcerers of the Pacific — want to find out who is more powerful. To this end, they compete to bring as many of the twelve islands as possible under their control. Both players build bridges between the islands of the South Seas. When a player has established a majority of the possible bridges to an island, as a sign of power, the player places a Kahuna token on the island.

377.75 Ko - In English

Kahuna Règle


Deux grands prêtres adeptes de la magie des Kahunas du Pacifique veulent savoir qui, de l’un ou de l’autre, est le plus puissant. Ils tentent alors de placer sous leur contrôle le plus grand nombre d’îles sur les douze existantes.

2.61 Mo - In French