The crew of Long John Silver mutinied and cornered and tied him up! Turn after turn, they question him about the location of his treasure and explore the island following his indications or maybe his lies? Who can say it... Because the old sea wolf has more than one trick up his sleeve and is preparing to flee, before of course recovering his precious treasure himself!
Treasure Island is a game of bluff and adventure in which one player plays as Long John, trying to trick the others and send them on false leads... The hunt will reach its climax with Long John's escape, as he tries to keep his loot! But the other pirates do not intend to let him do so... Every man for himself, and all against John!
Rule, Educational Sheet ... 2 Files Available2 Files Available
Download the rule for L'Île au Trésor or any other documents (scenarios, goodies, pedagogical sheet, erratum, ...). 2 PDF files are available. See all available files
Contents of the box : 1 Game Board, 1 Calendar Board, 1 Hint Track, 5 Mini Maps, 5 Screens, 5 Pirate Figures, 5 Pirates Figures, 5 Different Color Felts, 5 Special Actions Boards, 5 Turn Order Counters, 19 Hint Maps, 11 Quarter Maps, 8 Compass Maps, 6 Bluff/Truth Tiles, 1 Movement Rule, 1 Compass, 1 Sextant, 2 Search Templates, 1 Foam Rule Book, 1 Captain's Rule Book.