English - Luxor was funded on the Crowdfunding Kickstarter (See the campaign) platform on the Mar 5, 2018, the campaign lasted 12 days. 459 people helped funded the game, whose the amount requested was €10,000.00. Thanks to these 459 people the game could be funded up to €34,770.00, ~347.70%.
English - On the hunt for priceless treasures, groups of adventurers explore the legendary temple at Luxor. Their ultimate goal is the tomb of the pharaoh, but many treasures can be collected as they search. As they explore, the challenge unfolds: The player who manages to quickly get their team of adventurers to the tomb, while salvaging as many treasures as possible, will be the winner.
French - Ils font tout leur possible pour atteindre la chambre funéraire du pharaon. Mais ils peuvent également récupérer de nombreux trésors et de précieux scarabées en chemin. Les joueurs déplacent leurs aventuriers de tuile en tuile en utilisant les différentes cartes de leur main. Plus un joueur réussit à approcher ses aventuriers de la tombe du pharaon et plus il collecte de trésors sur le chemin, plus...