Download the rule for Make 'N' Break: Junior or any other documents (scenarios, goodies, pedagogical sheet, erratum, ...). 2 PDF files are available.
Make'n' Break by Ravensburger, a superb family game that tests your architectural skills. Under the pressure of the stopwatch, each player tries to make as many crazy constructions as possible as indicated on the challenge cards. In this new Make n' Break, you now build with a different partner each round, and more than 150 new challenges await you, plus 5 variants. A game both educational and of...
289.40 Ko - In Englishpdf
Tous les joueurs simultanément essayent de reconstituer le plus habilement et le plus rapidement possible les constructions représentées à l’aide de leurs pièces. Celui qui y parviendra gagnera le plus de jetons et remportera la partie.
399.92 Ko - In French