Download the rule for Runebound: Liens Indissolubles or any other documents (scenarios, goodies, pedagogical sheet, erratum, ...). 4 PDF files are available.
Runebound is an adventure game set in the realm of Terrinoth. It is a dangerous place that is home to powerful wizards, mighty warriors, and noble barons. But only the greatest hero will become a legend and live forever in the hearts and minds of the people of Terrinoth.
5.88 Mo - In Englishpdf
Unbreakable Bonds introduces cooperative and solo play to Runebound. Now you can undertake perilous adventures by yourself or while alongside other mighty heroes. In addition to the two new scenarios, three new scenario sheets allow you to play previously released competitive scenarios as solo or cooperative experiences.
2.06 Mo - In Englishpdf
The following are frequently asked questions, errata, and clarifications for Runebound and its expansions. Content added in this updated is marked in red.
202.41 Ko - In Englishpdf
Une attaque représente une action de combat (y compris une capacité améliorée) capable d’infliger des dégâts lorsqu’elle est déclenchée. Peu importe que les dégâts soient réellement infligés par la capacité ou non : on considère toujours cela comme étant une attaque.
727.75 Ko - In French