A spicy game for two players, with dates, salt and pepper. You are the leader of a Tuareg tribe. As such, each player must trade in nearby commodities such as dates and salt, or further away such as pepper, in order to earn gold and other benefits. You also need to expand your family. Card after card, new offers are made to you and get the benefits you want.
In the Tuaregs, men cover their faces. These desert men are called the Targuis. Women, the Targuias, occupy a primordial place in this society based on matriarchy. The Tuaregs are grouped in families headed by an "amenokal" or a "tamenokalt" (meaning noble). In Targui, you play the chiefs of two Tuareg tribes and trade local (salt, dates) or imported (pepper) goods for gold and various benefits. You enrich and grow your tribe. Each turn brings you lots of new merchandise, new benefits, but beware of looting and competition: only the one with the most points wins the game.
Rule, Educational Sheet ... 3 Files Available3 Files Available
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Contents of the box : 80 playing cards, 8 Gold tokens, 6 Targui tokens, 4 Tribe markers, 1 Pillard token, 30 Merchandise tokens, 1 First Player amulet, 15 Victory Point tokens, 1 game rule.