English - Vengeance was funded on the Crowdfunding Kickstarter (See the campaign) platform on the Oct 5, 2016, the campaign lasted 29 days. 1,574 people helped funded the game, whose the amount requested was $50,000.00. Thanks to these 1,574 people the game could be funded up to $182,275.00, ~364.55%.
English - Step into the shoes of a hero that has been bashed and tortured by one or more of the four gangs in the game. You win by building up your hero, scouting gang dens to find the baddies who wronged you, then taking bloody revenge through action-packed fight sequences made up of dice based puzzles.
French - Le jeu commence par une phase de draft, dans laquelle on va sélectionner des cartes boss, avec différents traumatismes. Il faut savoir que plus on aura de cartes du même boss, plus on gagnera de PV (points de vengeance) quand on le tuera. Il y a différents repaires de boss sur la table, avec la carte boss cachée.