The Ogres are by nature good Blood Bowl players, and have a long tradition of involvement with other teams who are able to support them (woe to the coach who underestimates their appetite). Entire Ogres teams take the violence of the game to a whole new level, by lining up not one or two, but sometimes four of these massive bullies! Certainly, they are surrounded by a real crowd of Gnoblars, stunted green-skinned runts with no athletic ability, but cunning enough to know how to catch the ball when the Ogres beat their opponents. From time to time, the Ogres will kick the ball holder to the End Zone with a good kick to score points with a bit of luck.
If you like to play Blood Bowl in the wild, nothing beats an Ogre team. It's played like no other, erasing the opposing team member by member until you can cross the field without encountering any resistance. The idea is to recruit a handful of Ogres, supplementing the rest of the team with Gnoblars who are easy to replace. Ogres are fun to play, and nightmarish to face.
This plastic kit contains all the necessary components to assemble the Fire Mountain Gut Busters, an Ogres team for Blood Bowl games. It includes 4 Ogres (1 of which can be mounted as a Runt Punter), and 12 Gnoblars with interchangeable heads! Also included are a team sheet, decals, 2 Rook and 2 Piece pieces, 4 Ogre-themed balls, 14 25mm round bases and 4 32mm round bases.
Good to know!
We bring to your attention that this game is an extension and therefore cannot be played alone. Renew your games by enriching your basic game with this extension.
Rule, Educational Sheet ... 2 Files Available2 Files Available
Download the rule for Blood Bowl: The Game of Fantasy Football - Fire Mountain Gut Busters or any other documents (scenarios, goodies, pedagogical sheet, erratum, ...). 2 PDF files are available. See all available files
Contents of the box : 4 Ogres, 12 Gnoblars, 4 balls, 2 tower counters, 1 decal board, 2 double-sided score pieces, 14 bases of 25 mm, 4 bases of 32 mm.