Welcome to the Lancashire of the eighteenth century. The world is changing, between what we call the Middle Ages and the modern period. This moment in history is called the Industrial Revolution, and it took time for historians to accept such a denomination.
Lancashire became the focus of the cotton industry at this time, spurred by Crompton, Arkwright and Watt, among others. Thanks to the power of steam, combined with new technologies, cotton mills could flourish, and the mines were dug deeper and deeper to supply coal to the greedy machines. Convoyer coal forced to build canals, then rails, and so on following the inevitable technological evolution.
"Brass" is my way of presenting this story through a board game. This name comes from the phrase "where there's muck there's brass" and means that some places are very conducive to brewing money.
Brass is a game for 3 to 4 players and lasts about 2 hours. The game is divided into two distinct periods, the period of the channels, followed by the period of the rails. Each period is divided into a number of phases. The action phase is the heart of each period. Each will have a hand of cards, which will be used to build different companies and links between them. Victory points will be scored for each company that makes a profit, the winner being the one with the most victory points.
The rules have been structured to help you take control of the game as quickly as possible. The main rules have been condensed to the maximum, the References section providing all the necessary details.
Rule, Educational Sheet ... 2 Files Available2 Files Available
Download the rule for Brass: Lancashire or any other documents (scenarios, goodies, pedagogical sheet, erratum, ...). 2 PDF files are available. See all available files
Contents of the box : 1 Central Game Board, 4 Player Boards, 4 Character Tiles, 56 Double-sided Printed Link Tiles, 12 Cotton Outdoor Market Tiles, 66 Location and Industry Cards, 4 Game Aids, 4 Victory Point (VP) Markers, 24 Black cubes (coal), 1 Marker from the External Cotton Market, 4 Income Markers, 16 Orange cubes (iron), 68 Pieces representing pounds sterling (£), 148 Industry tiles (37 per colour), 1 Stephenson/Rothschild tile.