Meet the heroes of the Harry Potter saga in the Clue! A student has suddenly disappeared. As Harry, Ron, Hermione, Ginny, Luna or Neville, you must find out who is responsible for his disappearance, what object was used and where the student was taken. Is it Fenrir Greyback with a cursed necklace in the Forbidden Forest? Use cheminette powder to move from place to place through the network of magical chimneys... But be careful not to encounter the forces of evil! When you've collected enough clues and are sure you know the solution to the mystery, head to the Burrow to make the final charge to win the game.
Rule, Educational Sheet ... one File AvailableOne File Available
Contents of the box : 1 game board, 6 identity cards, 6 counters, 29 Help cards, 32 Evil cards, 21 Mystery cards, 1 detective notebook, 40 Pathfinder tokens, 6 Suspect tokens, 6 Object tokens, 1 confidential case, 1 green die, 1 black die, 1 sheet of stickers.