The town of Creepy Falls is inhabited by monstrous creatures controlled by fearsome vampires in a bloody battle. Each player takes on the role of one of these vampires as they attempt to extend their supremacy over the town at all costs. In each round, players deploy their armies on the Village board to establish their power. They will gain different types of advantages, mainly victory points or resources that can be used to expand their influence.
Some resources can also be used to enlist special creatures in your army, such as Werewolves, or to cast spells that affect the flow of the game. At the end of the six rounds, the player with the most power points (PPs) wins.
Rule, Educational Sheet ... one File AvailableOne File Available
Contents of the box : 1 City Board, 1 Aid for the players, 7 tessere Forma, 5 different types of tokens (corpse, grimoire, blood, amulet, soul), 1 Three-outcomes dice, 3 Rat markers, 60 Spell tokens, 1 Van Helsing/Round counter dice, 59 Ghouls, 15 Mummies, 15 Frankenstein's Mosters, 20 Werewolves, 10 Witches, 1 rulebook.