Jump Around Frogs
Jump Around Frogs

2-4 PlayersNb of players

15 MinPlaying time

Age: 3+Minimum age

ChildrenType of public


(Good - usually willing to play.)


Wetthüpfen on Boardgamegeek

Boardgamegeek https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/285532/wetthupfen

English - Four funny ball frogs are hopping around like world champions. Will luck be on their side as they make lap after lap? For each lap completed, players get to turn over a petal of their own water lily! Which Turbohopper will win the race? WOW! As if by magic, the flowers open for the frogs as they finish.

Froggie site éditeur

Official https://www.haba.de/fr_FR/froggie--305273

French - Froggie et ses amies, de joyeuses billes-grenouilles, s’amusent à sauter comme des championnes du monde en faisant des tours de lac grâce aux dés. A chaque tour complet, les joueurs peuvent retourner une feuille de leur nénuphar.