A group of primitive lizardmen from marshy coasts, the Reptisaurians have only recently joined forces with Darkness and show unfailing loyalty. Although they usually live reclusive, the call of darkness has proved too tempting for these cold-blooded killers. Their spiritual leaders have become the agents of Darkness, but the formidable Reptisaurus Rex remain their undisputed "kings". Armed with their poisoned swords and blowguns, they left their swamps to spread terror in the country.
This Box of Enemies contains two additional bands (Boss and Sides), an Agent and a Wandering Monster, as well as their cards for Massive Darkness. Reptisaurians are implacable predators: they use poisoned darts and putrid blades to make sure their prey is unable to resist their physical power. These figures can also be used with any fantastic medieval RPG.
Massive Darkness funded on the Kickstarter platform
Massive Darkness was funded on the Crowdfunding Kickstarter (See the campaign) platform on the Jul 7, 2016, the campaign lasted 30 days. 22,361 people helped funded the game, whose the amount requested was $200,000.00. Thanks to these 22,361 people the game could be funded up to $3,560,642.66, ~1,780.32%.
Good to know!
We bring to your attention that this game is an extension and therefore cannot be played alone. Renew your games by enriching your basic game with this extension.
Rule, Educational Sheet ... 2 Files Available2 Files Available
Download the rule for Massive Darkness: Boîte d'Ennemis - Reptisauriens or any other documents (scenarios, goodies, pedagogical sheet, erratum, ...). 2 PDF files are available. See all available files
Contents of the box : 6 Reptisaurian Warriors Seiders, 1 Reptisaurian Warrior Boss, 12 Reptisaurian Boss Reptisaurian Boss Reptisaurian Boss Reptisaurian Boss Reptisaurian Boss, 1 Reptisaurian Agent, 1 Monster Errant Reptisaurus Rex, 13 cards.