You are one of Pharaoh's children. Your life is devoted to preparing your passage to the afterlife: surround yourself with craftsmen, nobles, build the most sumptuous burial chamber, make offerings to the Gods and satisfy their demands. Anticipate the movements of the Wheel, watch your opponents and play in the right tempo to win the game. A game of Pharaoh lasts 5 rounds, in which players take turns until all have passed.
On his turn, a player performs one of the 5 actions on the board. These actions are used to gain Prestige Points (PP) which determine the winner at the end of the game, but are also used to take resources for the following rounds. To take an action, the player must pay his Access Cost, by spending the resource indicated on the Action Wheel, opposite the Quarter where he wants to act. He then pays the Action Cost by spending the corresponding resource.
The resource paid on the Wheel to access that Quarter is deducted from the Action Cost, if it corresponds. It is therefore necessary to anticipate the movements of the Wheel in order to carry out the actions at the best cost. But the number of each action is limited and your opponents may have similar views. Finally, the Gods keep a watchful eye on the game. You will have to satisfy as many of them as possible in order to gain their favours and bonus PP.
Strengths : The feeling of an expert game with refined rules. An original mechanic of Wheel of Actions. Single player mode.
Rule, Educational Sheet ... 2 Files Available2 Files Available
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Contents of the box : 1 tray Tablet, 1 Pyramid tray, 120 Resource tokens, 40 Offering tokens, 30 Vase tiles, 3 special tokens, 1 printed bag, 40 wooden tokens, 30 Artisan cards, 26 Noble cards, 5 tiles for the solo.