Players compete to build the best habitable underwater areas by creating a network of cities, seaweed farms, laboratories, desalination plants and transport tunnels. The basic principle of the game is the placement of cards. Players play cards in locations, ideally of the same color, to benefit from actions and bonuses that allow them to collect raw materials, build city domes, tunnels and production buildings in their personal underwater area.
The future of humanity depends on your success.
Rule, Educational Sheet ... 2 Files Available2 Files Available
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Contents of the box : 1 double-sided central board, 4 information cards for players, 4 individual boards, 4 final score cards, 4 personal assistant cards, 3 action tiles in 4 colours, Deck 1st era: 66 cards, Deck 2nd era: 57 cards, Deck 3rd era : 57 cards, 10 three-credit cards, 15 one-credit and two-credit cards, 8 government contract cards, 16 metropolitan tiles, 35 credit tokens, 17 biometric tokens, 24 seaweed tokens, 24 plastic tokens, 18 science tokens, 47 double-sided tunnel tiles, 1 action-clone tile, 4 multiplier tiles, 17 plastic domes in non-symbiotic city, 13 plastic domes in symbiotic city, 3 markers in each of the 4 player colors, 1 era marker, 37 firm tokens, 37 misaligned plantation tokens, 37 laboratory tokens, 1 game rule.