English - Dreamscape was funded on the Crowdfunding Kickstarter (See the campaign) platform on the Apr 19, 2018, the campaign lasted 23 days. 2,158 people helped funded the game, whose the amount requested was €8,000.00. Thanks to these 2,158 people the game could be funded up to €120,364.50, ~1,504.56%.
English - Your dreams host every kind of inhabitants most of the time discreet. You could meet one at any time, hiding in the bend of a path. And you would be surprised to discover that those tiny creatures don’t ask much to follow you.
French - Et vous seriez surpris de découvrir que ces petites créatures ne demandent qu’un peu d’attention pour vous accompagner. Parfois malignes, parfois taquines, et toutes différentes, ces Créatures de Rêve vous demanderont un maigre tribut en comparaison de l’aide précieuse qu’elles sont prêtes à vous apporter.