There is agitation in the great bazaar of Istanbul as merchants and their assistants rush through the narrow streets trying to outdo their competitors. Everything has to be well organized: wheelbarrows have to be filled with goods in the warehouses and then quickly transported by the assistants to different destinations. Your goal? To be the first merchant to collect a certain number of rubies.
In Istanbul, you lead a group of one merchant and four assistants through 16 locations in the bazaar. In each of these locations you can perform a specific action. The challenge, however, is that to take an action, you must move your merchant and an assistant, then leave the assistant behind (to handle all the details while you focus on more important matters). If you want to use this wizard again later, your merchant must return to this location to pick it up. So you need to plan carefully in advance to avoid being left without assistants and therefore unable to do anything.
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Contents of the box : 16 Ward Tiles, 6 Carts, 18 Cart Extensions, 26 Bonus Cards, 16 Mosque Tiles, 12 Request Tiles, 72 Coins (12 Gold, 24 Silver, 36 Copper), 1 First Player Tile, 5 Merchants, 25 Assistants, 5 Family Members, 20 Merchandise Markers, 4 Post Office Counters, 1 Governor, 1 Smuggler, 2 Dice, 42 Rubies, 5 Play Aids. Moka & Bakchich: 4 Neighborhood Tiles, 8 Tavern Tiles, 1 Bakchich Tile, 1 Right of Way Tile, 18 Bonus Cards, 20 Guild Cards, 30 Coffee Bags, 1 Coffee Merchant, 1 Barrier. Lettere & Sigilli: 5 Neighborhood tiles, 24 Kiosk tiles, 36 Missive tiles, 28 Bonus cards, 5 Companions, 1 Courier, 1 Caravan tile.