Every day, the weatherman and the crow concoct the weather together. But when the weatherman is away, the crow has to manage on his own and needs your help! With a little luck at the dice and a good memory, you can collect the ingredients for your three recipes and fill the pot. If they manage to do this before the cook gets home, they win the game together! Assemble the game board, spread the ingredient tiles out face down and place three recipe cards face up.
Place the crow on the "fireplace" square and the weatherman on the square with the chef's hat. You take it in turns to play clockwise. Roll the dice: the die with the chef's hat moves the kitchen boy one square towards the front door. The die with the crow's footprint or the crow moves the crow accordingly. Turn over an ingredient tile in the room where the crow is flying. If the ingredient tile is useful for one of the recipes, place it on the corresponding recipe card. If the ingredient tile is not useful, turn it over again.
All players win together if all 3 recipe cards are completed before the weatherman arrives home.
Rule, Educational Sheet ... one File AvailableOne File Available
Contents of the box : 1 Game Board (= 6 pieces), 1 Weather Frog, 1 Crow, 1 Dice, 21 Recipe Cards, 24 Ingredient Tiles (3 with the Weather Frog), 1 Set of Rules.