Gather the inhabitants of the surrounding villages and use their unique abilities to strategically place them where they can perform the greatest tasks for you. Climb the steps of the Temple of the Sun, reaping the fruits of your piety. Build structures that both nourish your people and give you advantages that no one else has. Gather an army and set out to conquer the villages in the four kingdoms of Tawantinsuyu. Prove that you are the worthy successor of Pachacuti!
Rule, Educational Sheet ... 2 Files Available2 Files Available
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Contents of the box : 1 Board, 19 Production Buildings, 20 Passive Buildings, 35 Fabrics, 12 Small Statues, 6 Large Statues, 20 Gold Nuggets, 4 Resource Multiplier Tiles, 1 Festival Tile, 1 Coricancha Tile, 45 Workers, 25 Stones, 25 Corn, 30 Potatoes, 42 God Cards, 30 Army Cards, 4 High Priest, 4 Score Marker, 20 Stairway Tokens, 4 Temple Markers, 40 Conquest Markers, 1 Bag, 4 Game Help, 1 Rule of the Game. Contents Solo Mode: 1 Axomamma Board, 8 numbered tokens, 1 die, 2 Axomamma Personality tokens.