A War of Whispers is a competitive board game for 2 to 4 players. Five powerful empires are at war for the world, but you are not a powerful ruler. Instead, you play as a secret society that bets on the outcome of this war while pulling strings to rig the results and make sure their bets pay off. A War of Whispers is a game of deep strategy, hidden agendas and shifting loyalties. You start the game with five loyalty tokens, each corresponding to one of five different empires, betting randomly on a loyalty value. Your main objective is to ensure that at the end of the game, the empires you are most loyal to control the most cities around the world. The game consists of turns divided into four phases.
Agent deployment phase: In player order (starting with the first player and proceeding clockwise), each player removes, and then deploys agents in empire councils, the board positions marked Sheriff, Steward, Marshal and Chancellor. Empire turns phase: Each council position on each empire council takes an action. If a player has acquired cards, they may play them in this phase. Clearance phase: Add the turn marker to the next space on the turn counter, then each player discards up to the hand limit of five cards. Exchange Phase: In player order, each player may exchange two of their unrevealed loyalty tokens. If you choose to do so, you must reveal the two exchanged loyalty chips. They remain revealed for the rest of the game.
The game repeats in this order four times. When the last space on the turn track is filled, the game ends immediately and the point count begins. The player with the most points based on the loyalty of their empire and the cities they control wins.
A War of Whispers funded on the Kickstarter platform
A War of Whispers was funded on the Crowdfunding Kickstarter (See the campaign) platform on the Jun 4, 2020, the campaign lasted 16 days. 4,308 people helped funded the game, whose the amount requested was $27,000.00. Thanks to these 4,308 people the game could be funded up to $222,792.00, ~825.16%.
Rule, Educational Sheet ... one File AvailableOne File Available
Contents of the box : 1 game board, 4 player boards, 40 empire cards, 100 banner cubes, 36 agent tokens, 4 turn counters, 20 loyalty tokens, 1 first player token, 1 rule book.