Bonfires are sources of light, energy and warmth created by the keepers of the light to illuminate the cities of this otherwise dark planet. However, the inhabitants of these cities have taken the bonfires for granted and exploited them for their own personal gain. Disappointed, the keepers of the light withdrew and let the bonfires die out. The citizens could no longer live in these now dark cities and were forced to leave. You are a group of gnomes living near the cities and you also need the light of the bonfires. As you miss it now, you try to visit the cities yourself and learn how to light the bonfires again: You have to visit the guardians of light on their holy islands and ask them for tasks to prove your good will. For each task you complete, they will relight an extinguished bonfire. Whoever manages to gain the most trust from the guardians and light up their city the most will win the game.
The engine of Bonfire is the three-coloured tiles you have to place on your board. When you manage to place the same colours next to each other, you receive more action tiles of that specific type. This allows you to specialise in certain types of actions and pursue different strategies.
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Contents of the box : 1 Central Board, 4 Start tiles, 28 Path tiles, 72 Action tiles, 16 Guardians, 4 Player City boards, 66 Missions, 32 Fate tiles, 5 Hourglass tiles, 5 Neutral Novices, 4 Expansion tiles, 28 Portals, 1 "Great Blaze" figure, 57 Resources, 33 Gnomes, 4 Countdown cards, 8 Tom cards.