Rule, Educational Sheet ... 3 Files Available3 Files Available

Download the rule for Destinies: Mer de Sable or any other documents (scenarios, goodies, pedagogical sheet, erratum, ...). 3 PDF files are available.

Destinies Rulebook


The Destinies system offers a fully story-driven, app-supported, RPG-like board game experience, without the need for a game master. Each scenario depicts a part of a vivid world, full of dark stories, epic NPCs and mysteries to solve. Each player takes the role of a hero on a quest to fulfill their destiny. Each destiny is a final goal of the character and has at least two, completely different paths...

4.63 Mo - In English

Destinies Règle


Les prophètes annoncent la venue sur Terre de l’Ange de la Mort, qui entraînera la Fin des Temps. Des signes précéderont son arrivée, assurent-ils. Les pécheurs subiront les châtiments divins tandis que, un par un, les sceaux de l’Apocalypse seront brisés. Mais même lorsque la famine, la maladie et la guerre ravageront les terres, il y aura encore de l’espoir. Les rares élus, dont les destinées sont...

4.80 Mo - In French

Destinies: Sea of Sand Rulebook


The Destinies: Sea of Sand expansion comes with three scenarios that form a campaign that should be played in the suggested order. We recommend playing the whole campaign with the same group of players, but this is not mandatory. Scenarios are linked together, and each unveils the next steps of a bigger plot, but each scenario is a separate story, and knowing previous scenarios should not give a player...

1.02 Mo - In English