An incredible new dinosaur graveyard has been discovered, and if the initial findings are any indication, it could be a treasure trove of fossils and bones like the world has never seen! In Fossilis, 2-5 players become palaeontologists working on the dig site with shovels, brooms and chisels in search of a career-making discovery. On each turn, players have two actions to either dig on the site or make an extraction. By removing the top layers of sand, clay and stone, they will discover fossil tracks, which can be exchanged for tools, plaster for extracting bones and find points. Digging deeper, they will discover valuable bones. They can do a thorough extraction if they have the right amount of plaster, but sometimes it is better to move the soil to hide a find and slow down the competition. The bones themselves may be valuable, but museums are really interested in more complete specimens. Bone sets can be exchanged for museum cards worth big points!
Fossilis features a unique 3D game board, with pockets filled with dinosaur bones and thick, thick terrain tiles covering the dig site. Players must use strategy, timing and a little luck if they want to make the best finds, get their name in all the paleontology journals and, of course, win the game.
Fossilis funded on the Kickstarter platform
Fossilis was funded on the Crowdfunding Kickstarter (See the campaign) platform on the Nov 7, 2019, the campaign lasted 23 days. 4,626 people helped funded the game, whose the amount requested was CA$18,000.00. Thanks to these 4,626 people the game could be funded up to CA$232,463.00, ~1,291.46%.
Rule, Educational Sheet ... one File AvailableOne File Available
Contents of the box : 1 dice game board, 1 site cover, 1 blocking board, 1 scoreboard, 38 terrain tiles, 1 start of game marker, 33 dinosaur cards, 45 bones, 9 rock hammers, 5 score markers, 1 pair of tweezers, 5 palaeontologist counters, 21 tool cards, 24 supply cards, 10 event cards, 5 game mats, 18 skill tokens, 40 gypsum cubes, 1 rule booklet.