A new strategy game from Giochix, the author of Coimbra, Terramara, Grand Austria Hotel, Egizia and Lorenzo il Magnifico! A luxurious edition for a management game with an elegant and thematic design! This deluxe French box includes all the bonuses unlocked by the Kickstarter campaign of the English version. The kings of jam! In Frutticola, players run small family businesses that specialise in growing and selling fruit and jam, and will compete to make their business the most successful in town by the end of the year! With only a few workers and farmers, you will have to choose when to send them to the fields, or buy pesticides, fertilisers and other items, and when to produce jam and sell it at the market. Who will prove to be the best?
One game represents one year, divided into 4 rounds (the 4 seasons). Players first choose an action card, which indicates the number and type of workers that will be used during the round and the special power available to them. Then the players take turns sending their employees to perform specific actions, one at a time.
Frutticola funded on the Kickstarter platform
Frutticola was funded on the Crowdfunding Kickstarter (See the campaign) platform on the Feb 26, 2021, the campaign lasted 21 days. 727 people helped funded the game, whose the amount requested was €10,000.00. Thanks to these 727 people the game could be funded up to €28,301.00, ~283.01%.
Rule, Educational Sheet ... one File AvailableOne File Available
Contents of the box : 1 double-sided game board, 4 starting warehouses, 28 counters (3 farmers and 3 workers in each player colour, plus 4 apprentices), 12 objective markers (3 in each player colour), 74 fruits (11 per type and 8 extra oranges), 42 jams (7 per type), 32 development tiles (1 and 2), 15 organic pesticides, 15 fertilisers, 12 objective tiles, 28 action cards, 1 notice board, 1 season marker and 4 board markers, 80 tickets, 6 double-sided cardboard trees, 1 double-sided cardboard bush, 1 rule book.