13 Dead End Drive on Boardgamegeek

Boardgamegeek https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/1899/13-dead-end-drive

English - On your turn you move two of the character pawns on the board. Movement is decided by dice. The board is a 3D house with several traps. If you move a character to a trap space, you may spring the trap if you have the corresponding card in your hand. You can bluff by moving your opponents' characters towards the entrance or moving your own character onto a trap space, but not release it.

La Course à l'Héritage site éditeur

Official https://lansay.fr/univers/jeux-lansay/course-a-l-heritage

French - Tante Agatha, la célèbre milliardaire, vient de rendre l’âme... 12 personnes de son entourage attendent avec impatience la lecture de son testament. Mais une seule personne héritera de sa fortune : celui qui saura rester en vie ! Qui sera l’héritier ? Le jardinier, le médecin, sa meilleure amie… ?