For years, humans, elves and dwarves have been encroaching on your territories and eliminating your people in their crusade. They have built citadels, forts, and villages, while at the same time pushing you into the darkness... The time has come to rally your troops, to repay them and to restore the rule of the Dark Kingdoms to its rightful place! You are a Guardian hungry for the destruction of Valeria. You must outwit the other Guardians to earn the right to command an army worthy of the Dark Realms. Visit tombs to obtain minions, magic, gems and gold to fuel your war machine. Send your monsters into battle and conquer territories to earn victory points. The player with the most victory points at the end of the game wins!
On your turn, you must move your Guardian from its current location to a new one. When your Guardian enters one of the 5 tombs, you first take one of the dice available in that tomb and place it on your player board, then perform the action associated with that tomb. There are 5 troop types (dice colours) in the game: Goblin (green), Orc (red), Skeleton (white), Gargoyle (purple) and Gnoll (brown). Send your Guardian into the Encampment on your personal board to use your henchman dice and resolve a battle plan, then place the victory tokens on your personal campaign board.
Les Sombres Royaumes de Valeria funded on the Kickstarter platform
Les Sombres Royaumes de Valeria was funded on the Crowdfunding Kickstarter (See the campaign) platform on the Jul 31, 2020, the campaign lasted 24 days. 1,663 people helped funded the game, whose the amount requested was €28,000.00. Thanks to these 1,663 people the game could be funded up to €84,040.00, ~300.14%.
Rule, Educational Sheet ... one File AvailableOne File Available
Contents of the box : 21 Company tiles, 5 Sector tokens, 5 Auction tiles, 5 Score cards, 5 erasable markers, 1 First Auctioneer token, 1 rulebook.