Petris is a game about controlling bacteria for 2 or 3 players, aged 10 and over, with a playing time of about 10 minutes. Each player takes on the role of a scientist who must control the spread of bacteria under his or her supervision. These bacteria are hungry and are always looking for food in the adjacent petri dishes. Beware! Bacteria that are left alone in a Petri dish eat a lot and reproduce... which makes controlling them more complicated!
During the game, you have to manage the spread of your bacteria, so that they reproduce less, and thus do not endanger the culture in the Petri dishes. In each contamination phase, you will get contamination points for each Petri dish where you have more bacteria than your opponent. At the end of the game, the player with the fewest contamination points is the winner!
Rule, Educational Sheet ... 2 Files Available2 Files Available
#Abstract #Majority #Placement #PuzzleContents of the box : 10 Petri dishes, 20 Bacteria cards per player, 3 Sarcine cards per player, 1 turn marker, 1 Contamination card per player, 2 circular turn charts, 1 circular contamination chart, 1 set of rules.