Root: Monde Souterrain
Expansion for : Root

Root: Monde Souterrain

2021 - (x)(x)(x)(x)(x) 4.7 - 25 Notes
Root: Monde Souterrain

Rule, Educational Sheet ... 5 Files Available5 Files Available

Download the rule for Root: Monde Souterrain or any other documents (scenarios, goodies, pedagogical sheet, erratum, ...). 5 PDF files are available.

Root Learn to Play


Each turn is split into three phases: Birdsong, Daylight, and Evening. Once you play through these phases in order, your turn ends, and the player to your left begins their turn. The three phases are described in detail on each player’s faction board.

6.45 Mo - In English

Root Livret d'apprentissage


Chaque tour est découpé en trois phases : Aurore, Jour, et Crépuscule. Après avoir effectué ces phases dans l’ordre, votre tour prend fin et le joueur à votre gauche commence son tour. Les trois phases sont décrites en détail sur les plateaux de faction des joueurs.

6.25 Mo - In French

Root: The Underworld Expansion Learn to Play


The Duchy has long looked with suspicion on the surface dwellers. The vast wealth of the underground seemed more than enough to satiate their ambitions. Now, however, the stores are dwindling, and the Duchy looks to the great Woodland for expansion. To succeed, they must sway ministers to join their cause and direct the Duchy’s wealth toward this endeavor, providing extra actions and scoring means.

1.51 Mo - In English

Low of Root


Root contains two rulebooks: this rules reference and the learning-to-play guide. If you like a conversational teaching style and many graphical examples, read the learning-to-play guide. If you like learning from strictly defined, formal rules in a concise reference style, read this book.

1.50 Mo - In English

Root Livret de Référence


Root contient deux livrets : ce livret de référence et le livret d’apprentissage. Si vous préférez apprendre à jouer sur le ton de la conversation avec de nombreux exemples, lisez le guide d’apprentissage. Si vous préférez apprendre à partir de règles définies, formelles et concises, lisez ce livret.

1.29 Mo - In French