I come, I run, I fly! No, you don't arrive, you don't run, you crawl... But it's perfect for this very original snail race where the slowest one wins. An ode to slowness which is good for our society where everything has become urgent. The colour of your snail is a secret. On your turn, roll the 4 coloured dice. Each dice allows you to move a snail if it is of the indicated colour or if it is on a flower of the colour of the dice. Try to move the other players' snails without revealing yourself too much. If the other players spot you, they might make you finish the race first.
Rule, Educational Sheet ... one File AvailableOne File Available
Contents of the box : 1 game board, 6 wooden snails, 6 snail tiles, 40 point tokens, 4 6-colour dice, 1 rule book.