Accumulate the most millions and become a legend. The challenge of a lifetime! To carry out your plan, carefully scout locations, recruit specialists with a variety of skills and prepare your equipment. Accumulate a maximum of millions by relying on the skills of your specialists, by beating rival gangs to win the best bounties and by carrying out heists all over the world. Beware of one golden rule: never make two heists in the same city. And now, the dice must be rolled!
During a round, we select from the dice thrown at the beginning of each of the 12 rounds, the one that will join our board. You can store up to 4 dice on your board, with some slots allowing you to change the face of the dice. We can then spend our dice to recruit an available Specialist on that turn or possibly activate them without recruiting. Each has its own power and cost. When a player recruits his 3rd Specialist of the same skill, he gains the corresponding Expertise tile for that skill, which offers a power until the end of the game (for example, the Hacker expertise allows to modify the value of a die, the Safe Driller expertise allows to spend less Equipment to make a break-in, etc).
If we have the specialists and equipment required to carry out a heist in a city where we have not yet left our signature, we will be able to choose a building still available to heist (the Casino being the juiciest). In each city, the number and type of Specialists needed are different, before attacking Las Vegas, you'll need a great team of Specialists! Recruitment is paid for with one side of the die. Once recruited, each Specialist allows you, when you activate it (another die face to spend), to do an interesting action, and especially to make other specialists in the same field do the same actions. As you can imagine, you have to be the richest to win, but it is not only the theft that pays, being the first to perform certain types of actions also brings bonuses. The game ends when a person has made 7 heists.
The Specialists funded on the Kickstarter platform
The Specialists was funded on the Crowdfunding Kickstarter (See the campaign) platform on the Dec 12, 2020, the campaign lasted 25 days. 904 people helped funded the game, whose the amount requested was €10,000.00. Thanks to these 904 people the game could be funded up to €59,825.00, ~598.25%.
Rule, Educational Sheet ... 2 Files Available2 Files Available
Download the rule for The Specialists or any other documents (scenarios, goodies, pedagogical sheet, erratum, ...). 2 PDF files are available. See all available files
Contents of the box : 3 Double-sided Continent Boards, 1 Double-sided Las Vegas Board, 2 Multiplayer Recto / Single-sided Recto Recruitment Boards, 4 Multiplayer Recto / Single-sided Recto Individual Boards, 1 First Player Token, 8 Game Aid Cards, 66 Tickets, 12 Indic Cards, 21 dice, 72 Specialist cards, 28 Gang Signature tokens, 4 Equipment markers, 6 Specialist Starter cards, 6 Starter Skill tokens, 12 Expertise Tiles, 34 Tokens, Solo Variant Material, Asymmetric Variant Material.